Welcome to InfLab
InfLab – Informatics Lab Favoritenstraße is part of the basic teaching labs for the TU Wien Informatics.
InfLab is part of the basic teaching labs for the TU Wien Informatics. It is supervised by the Informatics Infrastructure LabsTeam.
For information about how things work, please visit our how to page. Also note that the acceptable use policy applies to all accounts.
Favoritenstraße 9-11, ground floor, HGEG11
Location in tuw-maps
Our labs rooms are:
- Frogger, HGEG05
- Q*bert, HGEG01A
- Pong, HGEG15
Contact / Support
To contact us just take a look at our GitLab and open an issue:
To login into our GitLab, no subscription is necessary - just use your TUaccount.
You may also find us in the public TUmatrix room #inf2-labs.
In urgent cases, write us an email or call us:
+43 1 58801 199250
Information for teaching personnel may be found here.